Red Yeast Rice
There's a newly posted website that says red yeast rice, which I have written about before, and am now taking regularly, is dangerous, because it really is a statin, and can cause severe muscle pains and muscle weakness, just like a statin.
Learn more about statins here.
The adverse reaction, according to the website, is because statins deprive us of co-enzyme Q-10 (which I discontinued taking recently.)
The website also says there is no reason to take statins to lower cholesterol, because cholesterol is good for you!
Well. I've been taking to lower my cholesterol ( which really isn't bad), but now that I think that it's really a statin, I'm going to continue to take it for the reasons cited below, but add co-enzyme Q-10 back to my regimen.
A. Statins suggest that these drugs may lower the risk of certain cancers, including colorectal and skin cancers.
B. And as I've written before:
1. statins may benefit men with prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction or lower urinary tract symptoms.
2. statin drugs may have a protective effect in the prevention of liver cancer and lead to a reduction in the need for gallbladder removals.
3. statins appear to slow decline in lung function in the elderly.
4. statins can protect nerve cells against damage which we know to occur in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients.
Tea and Orange Juice
I try to drink some orange juice with my tea - I had read that citric acid magnifies the positive effects of drinking green tea. Research reported this week supports the previous research, and gives me additional reasons to drink orange juice:
I. adding ascorbic acid and sugar to green tea can help the body absorb helpful compounds.
II. Vitamin C helps to promote wound healing and also helped protect the DNA damage of skin cells.
III. subjects with a high daily intake of fruits and vegetables had higher antioxidant levels, lower indicators of free radical-induced damage against lipids as well as better cognitive performance.
Thin Thighs
One other positive note from recent research, at least for me: It's good not to have thin thighs.
Red Yeast Rice, Tea and Orange Juice